June 29, 2009

Hawaii Flowers Offer Radiant Colors For Many Occasions

By Jason Hobbs

The first item that everyone wants when they step off the plane at the Honolulu airport is a lei made of beautiful Hawaii flowers. This gift, more than anything else, is probably the most anticipated part of the trip. Fresh flower leis are very special because they say Aloha and symbolize the warmth and feeling of this traditional Hawaiian welcome. This is especially true if the leis are made of colorful orchids intertwined with foliage such as maile vine to make a completely beautiful object to wear to the hotel and out to dinner at night. Leis are created for different occasions, but the one you receive when you deplane for the first time is unforgettable.

Hawaii flowers have other uses for adornment as well. At the annual celebration for King Kamehamea, flowers are used to decorate the floats for the parade. King Kamehamea was the first monarch who brought the group of islands under one ruler in the year 1810. The floats are donated by the various commercial companies and the parade is a tribute to the great former ruler and an expression of hope that dwellers of all countries can work in cooperation with each other.

The island has many types of colorful flowers that are native to the South Pacific. Hawaii flowers like Heliconia and Ginger grow in the wild and are also cultivated for commercial purposes. There are many brightly colored Hawaii flowers like Costus and more pastel varieties like Calathea. There is also quite a bit of unique foliage that is indigenous to the islands.

Colors and shapes unique to Hawaii flowers

The name for the Heliconia comes from the fact that the blossoms are typically helix shaped. They have slender stems with delicate blossoms, and usually come in a mix of red hues. The plants for this species can have spike-like greenery, fern leaves, or broader types of leaves.

The Costus species have round blossoms, but tend to be overwhelmed by the foliage of the plant. The Ginger flowers also have round blooms, although some types look like the flower has been divided into thinner petals. Colors for these Hawaii flowers vary but they are generally red in color.

The Calathea is more like the spiked plants that have long slender blossoms and usually come in earth tones. Some of the flowers in this family, especially the Calathea shakers, bear a resemblance to typical wheat spikes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hobbs

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June 27, 2009

Growing Orchids in the Sill

By Kent Higgins

Growing orchids is a fun, beautiful hobby and growing them in your home to enjoy is a great way to beautify any room. Orchids have a long history of symbolizing love and commitment. They require some special care, but growing them in your home requires only patience and love.

Before you plant your orchids, you should have a look at the windowsill. The window should have a more or less southern exposure. You will also need a humidity tray as orchids do not grow well in dry or overly hot conditions. It's a good idea to have a misting bottle on hand as well.

Begin with two or three orchids and good-sized pots to match, that will fit well inside the windowsill. Before you purchase the plants or bulbs, make sure you know whether they are sun-loving or not. Those that love the sun will need to be as close to the glass as possible with no obstructions so they can take full advantage of the daylight. Others can be further back or in a sill that is partially obscurred by a tree or another building if need be. Knowing what light conditions are right for your flowers will make the difference between beautiful and dead orchids.

If you have shade-loving orchids but the window is fully exposed, then try using a sheer curtain or lace to partially obscure the sunlight and filter it some. Gauzy, opaque curtains will also work. You can also purchase special window coverings that stick right on the glass and break up the sunlight before it enters, protecting your precious plants.

If the day is getting very hot, a small fan that blows just above the leaves can help keep the plants cool. Treat pests by wiping the leaves and stems of your plants with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol or sprinkle the plants with diatomaceous earth and wipe away a day or two later. Using insecticides indoors is not recommended.

When watering your orchids just like phalaenopsis orchids, keep in mind that they are happier being dry rather than wet. So don't soak them down too much. A little water more often is better than a lot of water only occasionally. Make sure you have draining pots so that the water does not linger too long and soak the roots to rot. Use your misting sprayer to wet the leaves on hot days. Water in the morning so the sun will eventually dry the soil back out rather than the evenings when the water will soak in and stay.

Growing your own orchids is fun and a beautiful hobby. It's not hard to do and requires only a little time and patience to do well. So try growing some orchids today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kent_Higgins

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June 26, 2009

The Secret Language of Flowers

By Joel S. Taylor

Since Victorian times flowers have been used to convey specific messages to the recipient. The type of flower and its color help the sender communicate a particular sentiment, emotion, or idea. Flowers can express love, hate, jealousy, or happiness – almost any thought imaginable. Although people still send flowers as a way to say something meaningful to a friend or family member, many flowers’ specific historical meanings are usually unknown.

Before you send that next bouquet of flowers to someone important, read through these flower meanings to acquaint yourself with the symbolism of some of the world’s most beautiful blooms:

Carnation: An ancient flower from the East dating back more than 2000 years, the carnation is a strong, aromatic flower that represents pride and beauty. Carnations are perfect for recent graduates, someone who has overcome a difficult challenge, or anyone celebrating the accomplishment of a goal. If you want to say, “I’m proud of you,” carnations are the right choice. They also signify love and devotion.

Hydrangea: The hydrangea boasts a colorful history. First cultivated in Japan, it was introduced to the UK in 1788. Hydrangeas are emblematic of anything sincere and heartfelt, which makes them the only choice if you want to apologize for a wrong or express a sentiment that comes from the heart.

Iris: A delicate flower popular with a wide range of people, the iris is both stunning and serene. Irises open up in the spring and remain that way for several days. According to tradition, this flower is the best way to send your compliments to another person. So if you’ve been thinking of complimenting someone you admire, consider selecting a pretty bouquet of irises as a unique gift. Irises also stand for faith, wisdom, and hope.

Larkspur: Part of the buttercup family, the larkspur adds a certain panache and elegance to a bouquet of freshly cut flowers. A light, soft flower with blooms that seem to float on air, a bunch of larkspurs are meant to encourage the recipient to be cheerful and not take life too seriously. It’s no wonder larkspurs are synonymous with lightheartedness and good humor.

Orchid: An exotic bloom that can catch anyone’s eye, the orchid is a unique flower whose beauty all can appreciate. To capture the attention of that person you want to take notice, a bouquet of professionally arranged orchids is the only way to go. Representative of love and beauty, orchids are wonderful if you have amorous intentions.

Rose: Throughout time the rose has played a prominent role in history and mythology alike. For instance, it’s well known that Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, presented Cupid with a rose. Certainly, the rose’s symbolism is forever intertwined with the sentiments of love, passion, and attraction. If you want to send a loved one a bouquet of fresh roses, you really can’t go wrong.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joel_S._Taylor

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June 25, 2009

Deciding the Best Location For Your Orchids

By Carl Harrison

Successful cultivation of orchids is often considered a challenging task as orchids are well known for their tenderness and daintiness. But with proper knowledge and a bit of effort these can be easily cultivated by even a novice gardener. Moreover, planting these exquisite plants gives you a sense of pride.

You can select from three location options when it comes to growing your own orchids. These are indoor, outdoor or in a greenhouse. Whichever is your choice, read further to find out the perfect way of nurturing orchids.

How to keep your indoor orchids great

Central heating and air conditioning makes the humidity level of most homes very low and hence unfavorable for orchids. But ideal growing conditions can be created with just a little bit of efforts resulting in fabulous blooming orchids.

Ladies Slippers are one of the most sought after indoor plants as they are easy to grow. The striped flowers of this species are lovely and persist for three months. Another easy to grow indoor variety is Moth Orchids. A healthy plant of this species beautifully blossoms twice a year.

Indoor orchids can be grown either inside a room or on the windowsill. But it should be ensured that the plant gets plenty of sunlight. To avoid direct sunlight, fluorescent lighting can be used to achieve ideal conditions.

Proper air circulation is extremely necessary for a healthy plant. This can be attained by opening the windows and allowing fresh air to enter or positioning a fan in the vicinity. The temperature should also be maintained above 60F especially during time. Such factors will enable the orchid to flourish naturally.

Placing the orchids in a tray filled with pebbles or gravel and water (up to half inch) will fulfill the plant's need for moisture.

How to enhance the beauty of your greenhouse by growing orchids in it

Orchids are capable of growing in a wide range of conditions and easily adapt to cold or warm climates. But the most favorable condition for their growth is a night temperature which is 15 degrees cooler than the warm daytime temperature. An ideal environment is needed in a greenhouse for the production of healthy and beautiful orchids.

The lighting should be adjusted according to the species of orchid you are growing as some orchids thrive in shade while others flourish in bright light. The air circulation should also be perfectly regulated for the orchids.

Orchids grown in a greenhouse are watered only once or twice a week. But during summer season or in case of extreme heat conditions, the plants will require more water. The moisture level in the greenhouse should be checked regularly to ensure flourishing growth.

Care for outdoor orchids

Known for their survival instincts, not much care is required if the orchids are grown in a garden. Outdoor orchids can be grown either in pots or in the ground. If grown in pots, it would be convenient to transfer them indoors in case of extreme weather changes. Damp locations are the most favorable sites for orchid growth. They have a tendency to attach to other plants and trees for a symbiotic relationship. Orchids can withstand cool winters also and thrive healthily almost anywhere.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Harrison

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June 24, 2009

Want A View? Start Growing Orchids On Trees

By Robert Roy

Do you live in Southern Florida or California? If you do then you can really enjoy orchids year round. Growing orchids on trees can be a blast. It can enhance any surrounding. Beautiful, colorful orchid plants will make your outdoor area very inviting.

The trees..

Imagine the expression on the faces of your guests when they see orchids growing on your trees. First, though, you will need a tree that does allow some sunlight to beam through. Trees like palms and citrus are some prime examples. Oaks may even be candidates.
To be sure that you are in a suitable area look on an agriculture climate map and if you live in zone 11 you can do this successfully. Remember their are micro-climates that could allow you to plant these further North.

Some orchid candidates...

You will need to pair the right orchids with the right amount of sunlight that is available. In a really sunny area vandas would be a good choice to start growing orchids on trees. In shaded areas phalaenopsis or cattleyas are a great choice. If you need help an orchid grower will be helpful.

How To...

The first rule you should follow before attaching orchids growing on trees is to attach it during the time the orchids are growing their roots. For example, if you are attaching a cattleya you would do this during the months of January or February. If you choose two months before the orchid plants will bloom your in the right timeframe.

Attach the orchids with either cotton twine or a monofilament like fishing line. Wrap the plant firmly but not to damage the roots and pseudopods to the tree. It will usually take several times around to do this.
It will be important to successfully start growing orchids on trees to mist the orchids almost daily unless there is rain. This needs to continue for about two months until the roots attach themselves to the tree. Also, don't forget the fertilizer.

By the time this occurs your orchid plants should be blooming and really enhancing your landscape. Orchid plants will brighten any area indoors or out. But, to have orchids on your trees is such a beautiful "back to nature" experience.

Did you know that in our store we are selling orchids which are growing on wood bark and cork. These are all ready rooted and it will make any surroundings take on a lovely view. Take a look at our examples of growing orchids on trees.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Roy

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June 23, 2009

Different Species of Vanilla Orchids

By Jason Hobbs

The species of vanilla orchids are the genus of 110 species of the family of orchids named as Orchidaceae. These include the Vanilla Planifola Species from which derives the commercial vanilla flavoring. The name mainly comes from the Spanish word "vainilla" which is a diminutive type of "vaina" which means "sheath". This in turn, is derived from the Latin word "vagina". These species of vanilla orchids occur worldwide in the subtropical and tropical regions ranging from the tropical Asia to tropical America, West Africa and New Guinea. These vanilla orchids were known to the Aztecs. Vanilla is also grown on a commercial scale. This type of wine like plants has the monopodial habit of climbing. These have the capability of forming long wines having length exceeding 35 meters and containing alternate leaves which are spread along the length.


Vanilla Orchids are native to the neo tropical region. They are mostly found in the regions including the Central Americas, Mexico, northern part of South America and the West Indies. Besides these, vanilla orchids are also found in the South East Asian regions. Vanilla orchids are both epiphytic and terrestrial in nature. They mostly grow on the other plants or on the soil and of shoot aerial roots, which capture nutrients and water.

To grow the vanilla orchid and make it to produce orchid flowers is a rewarding experience in itself. These vanilla orchid species are simple to grow in the greenhouse or garden. A redwood orchid bark or a well draining humus rich soil is just about perfect for this orchid. The temperature or humidity need not be below 40 degrees. While most people don't know the fact that there is a link between the vanilla and the orchids, actually, vanilla orchids belong to the largest and the oldest flowering plant group - the orchids. In addition, the vanilla family is only amongst all the orchids, which produce a crop that is agriculturally valuable.

More on Vanilla Orchid:

The vanilla orchids mostly grow on the edges of the tropical forests. They have fleshy, thick stems and greenish, small flowers which blossom early in the morning which are easily pollinated by bees and hummingbirds. The ovaries of the vanilla swell and then develop into fruits once they get pollinated. These ovaries are called as pods. They are similar to the thin, long runner beans. The flowers of the vanilla orchids possess a slight scent without any element of aroma or vanilla flavor. The vanilla pods develop after 4 weeks and are then dried, harvested and cured for producing the distinct flavor which millions of people know and love. A simple vanilla orchid has indirectly become an ingredient for a good taste the world over!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hobbs

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June 22, 2009

A Guide to Orchid Pest Control

By D Swain

It is common for orchid growers to have problems with various pests. Calling an exterminator for orchid pest control is often unnecessary as well as expensive. There are things that you can do to deal with these pests yourself. This article will discuss common methods of orchid pest control.

Spider Mites

The first part of orchid pest control focuses on spider mites. They can be some of the most troublesome pests for orchid growers. Most plants usually have mites, and they feed on plant sap by the thousands. You should keep the humidity high to control spider mites, especially during the winter. You can also try using predatory mites or spraying the plants with water on a regular basis.


Aphids are also a focus of orchid pest control. These tiny insects can damage the plants by sucking juices. They are also capable of carrying a virus from one plant to the next. Since aphids develop resistance to insecticides quickly, the best method of orchid pest control for these insects is spraying the plants with water on a regular basis. Lady beetles and small, predatory wasps also help control the aphid population.


Another part of orchid pest control deals with mealybugs. These insects also suck plant juices, but do not spread diseases. If they are not kept under control, they will become a big problem. You should keep any new plants away from your other plants for a few weeks to make sure they are not infected with mealybugs. Since mealybugs have a waxy covering, water-based insecticides do not perform well. The best way to deal with an infestation is to remove each one with a dental pick.


One of the next areas of orchid pest control is scales. Scales are small insects related to aphids. They feed on plant juices and are usually found on stems and leaves. You should regularly check your plants for aphids. If you spot some, you simply need to scrape them off using a sponge or tissue.

These are the best methods of orchid pest control. If you regularly check and clean your plants, they will be fine. There is no need for you to call an expensive exterminator for orchid pest control.

Article Source: http://articlebase.com/?expert=D Swain

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June 20, 2009

How to Care For Orchids in Different Environments

By Carl Harrison

Many people love orchids because of their vast varieties and how delicate they are. Whether you are a novice gardener or an old pro, this flower is a big time favorite. Yet, many new gardeners worry that they don't have what it takes to make these flowers bloom. By following some simple care tips, the garden you want to create will be beautiful.

If you live in a temperate region, you're able to take your potted orchids outside during the summertime. The majority of cymbidiums along with Coelogynes, Dendrobiums and Encyclias thrive well in summertime conditions. However, if you have smaller orchid plants, it's best to leave them inside.

If you want your garden to look good and don't want to transfer plants from inside to outside, you can choose some terrestrial orchids that do well outdoors. Which ones?

- Cypripedium calceolus
- Cypripedium reginae
- Dactylorhiza

These are typically found in the areas of Europe and North America.

Caring For Orchids In A Temperate Environment

Summertime and Moisture

You should be mindful that summers in the temperate zone are generally hot and dry. It's important that any plants you have outside are watered regularly and done during the evening hours. Be sure to follow this rule so that new growth on your plant will be protected from the scorching summer sun. Keep roots cool so that the moisture on your roots stays on for longer periods of time during the summertime.

When you know rain is in your forecast, consider placing a tent over your orchids so that the medium does not get too soaked from the rain. However, you need to remove the tents once the rain is over. If not, the heat can get trapped under the tent, damaging your plants.

Mounting Plants In Lieu of Potted Plants

If you'd rather mount your orchids instead of potting them, there are several species that do well on bark. They include:

- Encyclia polybulbon
- Trichopilia tortilis
- Dendrobium miyakei
- Brassia verrucossa
- Laelia anceps
- Oncidium flexuosum

What you use to mount your orchids is going to depend on the species you plan to grow. For instance, you can use a piece of wood or bark. Keep in mind that you can add a hook to either one, which gives you the choice to hang your orchid plants down the road.

There are other things you will need when you want to mount your orchids. These include:

- Fishing line (or plastic coated wire)
- Gloves (you must wear these so that you do not get a fungal infection when you handle sphagnum moss)
- Sphagnum moss

Loosely put the moss around the plants roots as well as on the medium you are going to use. The moss cushions the roots and keeps it from getting damaged from whatever you use (string or wire) to hold the plant in its place.

You'll need to tie the moss you have to the bark but be gentle about it. You certainly don't want the plant to be loose so secure it. You want the root to get into the bark. If you have extra moss, trim it up to make it look better.

You can use the above procedure when you mount the plant to tree trunks or tree branches. You'll need to make sure you have enough water because they don't retain moisture like potted plants will.

Growing Orchids All Year in the Tropical Environment

In most tropical regions, it's not uncommon to find orchids growing all year. Some of them can be seen on tree trunks and/or branches. Types of orchids that survive in the shade and can handle the temperatures change of the day.

Are Orchids in Danger of Going Extinct

Every year, the tropics endure hurricanes, which have winds that can pull up orchids and damage them. Should the tree that the plants are on fall the orchids will quickly die. However, orchid societies will watch for weather events and rescue the plants to ensure their survival.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Harrison

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June 19, 2009

Specialty of Blue Orchid Bouquet

By Jason Hobbs

People since time memorial are in search for a magical blue rose. Man simply appears to be passionate about finding not just the rare specie, but also a truly outstanding one. To get a blue rose seems to be beyond the imagination, perhaps this craving can be filled by a blue orchid. Blue orchid bouquet is extremely special, since the blue color seems to be really uncommon to be found in any genus of flower. The blue orchid has 2 original varieties and one among them is coerulescens in which the pigment of blue is evident only on lip, whereas the sepals color is white. The second blue orchid bouquet can be made up of a specie called coerulea, which sepals are blue colored. The hybridization of the blue orchids barring the botanical breeding alliance remains out of realms of simple hobbyists. People are constantly involved in the process of hybridization of blue orchids, in order to prepare blue orchid bouquet that is unique as well as rare.

Where the Blue Orchid Bouquets can be used?

Blue Orchid Bouquets are less common and hence, if given on any occasions will make the person remembered for a lifetime. Most of the orchid bouquets are made by cutting the flowers when they are farm fresh, perhaps in front of the person purchasing it. The blue orchid bouquets can last for a long time, perhaps 1 to 2 weeks if sufficient care is taken. The bouquets made up of blue orchids are ideal to be gifted on the occasion of wedding ceremony. Additionally, they can also be used to decorate the hall of nuptials. The freshness and vividness brought by the blue orchid bouquets are simply amazing. An individual can even give blue orchid bouquet as a thank you gift to the people attending the auspicious occasion. The availability of an entire bouquet made up of blue orchids is hard to find. However, a person can easily catch hold of bouquets made up of blue orchids along with other several flowers.

Tips for Creating Blue Orchid:

Since, the availability of blue orchid bouquet is comparatively less in the market, it is very essential to understand the thumb rule that can guide a breeder to make blue orchids. The main task to be dealt by the breeder is, to determine how the blueness changes or behaves in different environment. The basic idea behind this determination is to ensure that the blue orchid remains to be blue irrespective of the varied conditions. A breeder while selecting the variants of blue orchids needs to select the one having noteworthy coloration, the one probably grown in natural surroundings in normal settings. It is suggested to use the orchids having green hues, since they bring the blueness and avoid the orange orchids, since they bring out red color.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hobbs

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June 18, 2009

Cymbidium Orchid

By Jan Wilson

The Cymbidium, or Boat orchid, is a very popular houseplant and their attractive, showy flowers are often used in bouquets and corsages. Flower colors can be pink, white, red, brown, yellow and light green. It is not unusual to get up to 30 flower blooms on a stem. Although the genus has approximately 50 species, orchid breeders have created thousands of hybrids. Despite originating from East Asia, their popularity as houseplants is largely due to their tolerance of temperate climates and their ability to flower during winter months. Flowers have a distinct lip and the name, Cymbidium, is derived from the Greek kumbos which means 'cavity'. When choosing a plant, select sturdy plants with healthy foliage. Check the leaf axils for signs of insect pests.

Caring for a Cymbidium orchid can be difficult in the average home. They can tolerate most light levels, but do need high humidity. This can be achieved by placing the orchid pot on a tray of pebbles covered in water. As long as the bottom of the plant container does not sit in water and the potting mix is kept moist, these orchids will grow quite happily. Ideal daytime temperatures should be about 60 degrees F, with night temperatures about 55 degrees F.

After the plant has flowered, place it where it can get extra light while it continues the growth cycle. To encourage flowering, keep the plant below 55 degrees F with about 12 hours darkness for 3 weeks. It is not necessary to fertilize the plant while they are flowering. Cymbidium can tolerate small containers (plastic or glazed containers will do) and should never be over-potted. If re-potting, ensure that you place the plant in a slightly larger pot containing an orchid peat and bark compost. Alternative potting mixes can be Osmunda fiber or fir tree bark. If your plant becomes infested with mealybugs, wash the foliage with soapy water. For scale insects, you'll need to scrape the pests off individually.

Cymbidium orchids can be challenging to the hobby gardener. Once you have chosen your Cymbidium orchid plant, you may be looking for further help with other areas of Cymbidium care. I recommend Growing Orchids for valuable Cymbidium and general orchid care advice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jan_Wilson

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June 17, 2009

How To Find Orchid Plants For Sale

By Jason Hobbs

The orchid plants for sale needs to purchased by an individual as soon as possible, as it will be fresh and fine deal with flowers that will survive for several weeks. The orchids up for sale needs to be thoroughly evaluated by the buyer, as the plant may appear vigorous and fine at the time of purchasing it, but if circumstances are not proper afterwards, then the buds are likely to shrink with yellow coloration. An individual needs to avert such species up for sale. The flora of the orchid plants for sale needs to be hygienic with profound green shades and not droopy and desiccated. Further, the leaves of the plants that are up for sale, needs to be individually examined for the presence of any pests or insects infection concealed in it. The spikes of the blooms need to be ensured for their accurate pledge and the closeness of certain buds. An individual is also advised to check the mucks layer for ensuring the presence of any expired roots, depicting the weakness of the roots of those plants.

Other Helpful Tips:

An individual is firmly suggested to inquire the sales representative for certain nurturing techniques of the orchid plants for sale. A small booklet based on the caring methods for the plants may also greatly assist an individual to successively nurture them The presence of a professional related to the sorting of the plants can offer several additional guidelines and details regarding the light supply, water feeding, and fertilization process and that really will make a big difference in the proper selection for the orchid plants for sale. The dealers of the mail array on the internet platform and certain organizations may assist with hoard of consultants from several successful past orchid nurturer. The individual also needs to be acknowledged with the conveyance of the plants are up for sale in a store or nursery. Previously, the owner of a nursery would himself nurture them with the proper conduction of the entire phases of the growth and selling it straightly to the customers. But now-a-days, the orchid plants for sale in certain nurseries or stores are managed and handled quite differently.


The process of huge circulation known as Mericloning has escorted the specifications of incomparable digit of plants up for sale in the nurseries and stores. The finest types are randomly selected during the eradication of the key stem inclinations or core of the nurturing cells from the plants in laboratories annually. The immature orchid plants for sale are vended to the nurturer, who is bound to convey them a close blooming

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hobbs

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June 16, 2009

Hawaii Orchids in Its Natural Habitat

By Carl Harrison

Hawaii is famous for orchids, and the people of Hawaii are proud of their orchid culture. Orchids have become a part of the Hawaiian tradition, and they are used for a wide variety of purposes ranging right from dressing up a drink to decorating a room for lending that tropical touch to it. They have also been traditionally worn by actors and actresses in the form of garlands or emblazoned them across their shirts.

It's no doubt that orchids are America's most popular flowering plant. The tropical climate of Hawaii also favors the growth of these species, and the temperature is warm the whole year. Also, since the humidity level is lower here than other tropical areas due to constant trade winds, the growth of these plants are directly benefited.

For centuries the people of Hawaii have considered orchids as a symbol of love, tenderness, joy and friendship. It is no wonder then, that a lot of research and innovation has been put into the cultivation of these lovely plants. The orchid industry in Hawaii is a thriving one, providing employment for many people and responsible for the creation of hundreds of jobs. The Hawaiian Orchid cultivation industry has set excellent standards for itself and is considered to be one of the best in the world.

Interestingly, however the Hawaiian Islands are native to only three species of orchids:

Liparis Hawaiensis

This terrestrial orchid also called the twayblade is found in all the major Hawaiian Islands. It's a tiny green-flowered species, found in the rain forests and can grow to a height of 16 inches. They are known to bloom throughout the year, however these can be usually found in their full bloom between May to November.

Platanthera Holochila

This orchid is categorized to be "highly endangered" and is a rare commodity. Sightings of these have not been reported recently and one would be extremely lucky to come across these species in the Big Island. In fact it is said that they have not been seen on the island of O'ahu in 60 years, with botanists speculating that it may already be extinct. This orchid thrives in wet conditions and can be usually found in wet and windy bogs, growing to a height of about 20 inches. The most striking feature of this orchid is the 5 to 60 spectacularly densely clustered flowers adorning it when in full bloom.

Anoectochilus Sandvicensis

This orchid is the most common of the species and can be found on all the major Hawaiian Islands. It is also known as the "jewel orchid" because of its exceptionally beautiful foliage and is found in the high rain forests, growing to a height of 20 inches. These are known to bloom throughout the year, but they are in their full bloom during the period between August and December.

Hawaii's natural climatic conditions make it an ideal place for the growth of these beautiful orchids. With the Hawaii potted orchid industry growing by leaps and bounds it is no wonder that the orchid is truly the quintessential flower of Hawaii and its people.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Harrison

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June 15, 2009

The Exotic Black Orchid

By Steve Fortuna

Orchids are a very popular flower most likely because of its exotic look. Even more unique is the the black orchid, whose genus name is bulbophyllum, this specific orchid accompanies many species in its class that can vary greatly in its appearance. The name bulbophyllum originates from both the Latin and the Greek. The latin "bulbus" means bulb-like and the greek, "phyllon" meaning leaf are descriptive of its form. This exotic plant is the largest genus in the Orchidaceae or Orchid family, as well as being one of the the largest in the entire plant kingdom. Numbering at about 1805 species, the study of the black orchid is no small feat.

The many different species of the bulbphyllum can vary greatly in their look, form, smell, growth pattern, and environment. This can make it difficult to identify and most times is done so by looking at the specifics and the structure of the flower on the plant. The genus itself can range from anything like an erect plant to a winding root climber. This, again is why it is so important to have the specifics of identifying a true bulbophyllum. For this reason it can be extremely difficult for even the most experienced taxonomist and yet since it is so challenging it makes it all the more interesting.

The environments that the black orchid grow in, also vary. The different countries that they thrive in range from Australia, Southeast Asia, Africa, South America and, last but not least Papua New Guinea. Almost a third of the species originate out of Papua New Guinea, making its forests diverse with these sophisticated plants. Some of these forests and habitats are losing their natural form, which, in turn, is inhibiting growth. There are several species that are under the threat of becoming extinct. Four are on the endangered list and unfortunately, two are critically endangered. The bulbophyllum filiforme is native to Nigeria and Cameroon where it grows in tropical or sub-tropical dry forests and is now on the critically threatened list because of the loss of its natural habitat. Another on that same list is the bulbophyllum Kupense, also native to Cameroon but this species grows in a sub-tropical moist montane.

The black orchid is both beautiful and exotic, not to mention intricate in its design. A common person may not be able to label a black orchid as such which makes it all the more interesting to those who study them and are able to differentiate. It is important that we preserve the environments that they grow in so that we can continue to study this complex and obscure plant.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Fortuna

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June 12, 2009

Important Things To know About Orchids Delivery

By Daniel Roshard

Anyone who likes to have flowers and plants at home would love to have orchids, these delicate and special flowers are a delight to have around the house, and their mere presence has a calming and good effect on everyone. Every once in a while people like to shop for orchids and some do this by mail, or internet, meaning that the plants will arrive to the homes by mail, this requires some attention and care from the person reserving the orchids.

In many cases I recommend to try and cut some of the costs and go for a cheaper or a less expensive option, but in the case of ordering orchids I am really quiet the opposite, you will need to make sure that the service that is sending the orchids to you is a professional one and that the orchids make it to your doorstep in the finest condition possible. If you plan to receive orchids by mail or post you should know that these are delicate flowers, some of them get transported from the far east to the west and in order to maintain their full, lush colors and stamina they will need to be treated with the utmost care. So in this case paying a little more will make sure that you have what you wanted, and that it is going to stay with you for a while.

The orchids are not a usual commodity in the global markets, this flower is treated with a lot of respect in many countries around the world, many of whom are in Asia, for example the orchid is Singapore’s national flower and they will not let it our of the country, there are also special regulation for orchid export and some custom laws that prohibit certain uses of the orchid flower for commercial purposes, especially if it to export the flower out of the country.

The good thing, and the encouraging news is that the orchid is immensely popular all over the world, and that there are many people who are extremely passionate about growing orchids, so you can find orchids and orchid delivery in almost any corner of the globe. There are also many international shows and fairs that exhibit the local selection of orchids and the finest orchid growers, these make a name for themselves and usually deliver a very high quality plant with all the necessary care and precaution taken.

Once the orchid makes it to your home you should just remember to carefully unpack it and make sure that it receive a gentle welcome, and the time to recover and readjust to its new surroundings, after all this flower is not accustomed to live in some places, it needs some humidity, and it needs to be watered carefully and in the right quantity.

If you follow some of these very simple steps, and make sure that the orchid is delivered in a safe way and treated with care, there should be no reason why you should not enjoy your orchid for a long time, providing that you keep nurturing it and taking care of its basic needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Roshard

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June 11, 2009

The Art of Orchid Arrangement

By Jason Hobbs

Orchids have got the stature of becoming the most renowned flowers that are since ages used in beautiful flower arrangements largely owing to their fragrance, colorful beauty and the poised elegance that it airs. Orchid arrangement is also used increasingly, due to its prolonged existence along with freshness. It mesmerizes the environment in which they are adorned and create an atmosphere of soothing beauty that rejuvenates the soul. The orchid arrangement serves both as a flower to beautify the interiors of a hall and also, as a gift item, especially orchid bouquet in wedding ceremonies. Moreover, the orchid arrangement can be utilized to adorn the outdoor ceremonies as such nuptials or perhaps a party. Flowers are considered to be the best way to make an individual feel good and orchids are perhaps the ideal ones for accomplishing this goal.

Guidelines for Orchid Arrangement:

Few of the finest kind of orchids are phalaenopsis, dendrobium and vanilla orchids. For creating rare and very elegant orchid arrangement, these finest types of orchids are united with several other beautiful and exotic flowers. The fact that orchids are just blessed with so much of exquisiteness makes it appear splendid, with any kind of floral arrangement. However, few flowers that simply look excellent with the orchids are lilies, roses, carnations and daffodils. In essence, these gorgeous flowers add a touch of beauty to the already exotic orchid flowers and the arrangement simply complements the orchids. The orchid arrangements as per the symbolism stands for luxury, wealth and most importantly love. The orchid arrangements comprises of very dazzling hues that serves the best purpose of a get well soon gift. The arrangements of orchid flower are accessible through the local florists at any time of the year. Though, it is very simple to make the orchid arrangement on own. The basic pre-requisite for this is a container, few fresh orchids, water, greenery akin to ferns or palm leaves and a beautiful orchid arrangement is ready to spellbind the soul. In fact, orchids are so full of innate beauty that it does not even require any special arrangement. Simply, pose them in bunch and there they are ready to roll.


The grand orchid arrangement, especially the white orchids usually signified a time wherein only the few wealthy as well as discerning elite could afford such grandiose luxuries in their homes. Since long, orchids are associated to be the territory of few rich people, as these flowers are very exotic and add a touch of exquisiteness to the floral arrangements. The orchid arrangement was best utilized as a centerpiece of very grand places. Irrespective of planning to decorate the place as subtle or simply ravishing, an orchid arrangement can do the trick. Few orchids last long if cut, typically the thicker or waxier the flower is the probability of orchid lasting long is high.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hobbs

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June 10, 2009

Do You Know About A Bamboo Orchid

By Robert Roy

Bamboo Orchid Plant

When you think of bamboo you really think of bamboo sticks, don't you?
There is an orchid that grows wild in some of the warmer climates like Hawaii and Southeast Asia called the Bamboo Orchid Plant. This is a very pretty orchid plant that easily grows on the hillsides.
Imagine having a bamboo orchid plants in your backyard that are growing behind your home. What a pretty site that would be.

These orchids usually grow to 5-6 feet. The stems are actually the pseudobulbs. A new pseudobulb grows each year.

One of the variety, Sobralia, can grow well in light shade as well. This genus doesn't grow as tall either. It usually tops out at about 4 feet.
Temperature range is quite wide, from a low of 40 degrees to a high of 80+. You don't see the bamboo orchid plant very much in the cooler climates of the Northeast or North Central states. If any they are usually indoor plants or out in the summer only.

My wife has one of these that is still quite small, but this summer she is putting it outside just to see what it will do.

Bamboo orchid plants need to stay moist. Do not allow them to dry out. Humidity is also very good for them as well. So if indoors you should be sure the humidity is about 50%. If not you can use a humidity tray.
Fertilize them about every other week with a weak, diluted solution.
Some people can have flowers on their orchids all year round. We haven't had that luck. And the flowers are fragrant.

If you can get one of the bamboo orchid plant I am sure that you will be able to see it grow. Imagine, growing a five foot orchid!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Roy

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June 9, 2009

Silk Orchids - Complete Buyers Guide

By D Randolph

Silk Orchids are great in any room. The elegant orchid is probably the most romanticized and celebrated plant among world-class gardeners and flower enthusiasts. It is known for its stunning flowers and graceful stature. Use these showy plants where you want to add a touch of class, a splash of color, to your home decor or office decor.

Like all fake flowers, silk orchids last for years (and bloom year round). Silk flowers are low maintenance. They require the same care as most furniture casual dusting and occasional cleaning. High quality silk Orchids maintain their shape and color for many years.

Here's what you need to know:

Form: Silk Orchids can be found in several forms. You can buy them as stems to be place in a vase or floral arrangement. You can buy them in a potted form, this is the most prevalent form. Or you can buy an orchid arrangement that is usually stems and greenery in a clear glass vase with faux water. Potted Silk Orchids are the most common form. These come out of the box and ready to place. Limited shaping can be done. You'll be able to find a potted orchid in most popular species and in many colors.

Species: Here's the most popular species - Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Lady Slipper, Moon Orchids, Odontoglossum, Oncidium, Phalaenopsis, Spider, Vanda. Of these, Cybidium, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and Vanda are the best sellers. Each species is unique but they can be categorized in several ways.

Tall & Skinny: Cymbidium, Moon, Odontoglossum, Phalaenopsis & Spider

Full: Cattleya, Dendrobium , Lady Slipper, Oncidium and Vanda

Large Showy Flowers: Dendrobium, Moon, Phalaenopsis

Smaller Flowers: Cymbidium, Spider, Lady Slipper and Oncidium

Colors: The choices are many so you can match most any decor. There is also an Orchid color which is a light purple. Yellows and Purples are the most common but there are creams, whites, burgundy, reds, oranges and greens. There are also some exotic colors. Phalaenopsis, Spider and Vanda are good choices if you are looking for exotic colors.

Styles: When people think Orchid, they are typically imagining a Moon or Phalaenopsis Orchid. Cattleya and Dendrobium are the most unusual of the orchid styles. Spider and Cymbidium are the most understated.

Price: The great thing about silk orchids is usually a small number of them really makes a color statement. Often a potted silk Orchid will only have a single stem so you can find a very affordable piece. Potted Orchids typically sell for $25-50. Stems typically are sold in dozens and sell for $5-7 per stem.

Silk Orchids are a great way to dress up in any room.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D_Randolph

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June 8, 2009

Dendrobium Orchid Care

By Jeremy Sleigh

Dendrobium orchid care is no more involved than caring for any other species of orchid. They are a common choice to use as cut flowers because they have a very beautiful and distinctive color and a very string stem. Making the a little Dendrobium orchid perfect for occasions like weddings or a good romantic gift.

But enough with all the waffle, you want to learn how to take care of Dendrobium orchids right? Well, you can't fail with the following tips:


These particular orchids love light, and it is important so that they can maintain healthy growth. Provide Bright light, to 50 percent sun. In the home, an east, west or lightly shaded south window. In a greenhouse, about 30 to 50 percent of full sun. Under lights, four 40 watt incandescent bulbs directly over plants. Plants should be naturally erect, without need of (much) stalking, and of a medium olive-green color.


The temperature for your Dendrobium orchid care is important as well. Temperature is directly proportional to the amount of light so both should be looked at carefully. As a guide temperature below 50F and above 90F are not a good idea. Ideally there will be a difference of about 10 degrees between night and day.


Keep evenly moist while in active growth. Allow to dry between waterings after growth is mature (indicated by terminal leaf). The trick is to keep in wet, but not too wet. For adivce on how to do this visit the site mentioned at the end of this article


Dendrobiums need 50 to 60 percent. In the home, place on trays over moistened pebbles. In greenhouse, use a humidifier if conditions are too dry. Humidity trays can be purchased from gardening stores but its much better and cheaper to just make your own.


Should be done every two to three years before mix loses consistency (breaks down). Pot firmly in medium, giving aeration and ample drainage, allowing enough room for two years' growth. Dendrobiums grow best in pots small for the size of the plant. For the best Dendrobium orchid care though, don't repot unnecessarily as this will do more harm than good.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremy_Sleigh

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June 5, 2009

Vanda Orchids - A Lovely Addition to Your Garden

By Marcia Johns

The lovely Vanda orchids grow naturally in Asia, in India, the Philippines, New Guinea, and many other places. They are epiphytic, which means that they attach themselves to their surroundings specially the barks of trees. The leaves come in many forms, based on its environment. Some leaves are broad, some fleshy and just like the leaves, the stems vary in size as well. There are tiny plants and there are those that stretch for several lengths.

The Vanda orchids have many flat flowers, while others might have only a few. The colors most seen are brown or yellow with some brown marks. Markings can also be in colors of white, orange, green, or red. These orchids are also year round bloomer for the most part. The blooms last for about fourteen to twenty one days and sometimes even longer. All Vanda orchids enjoy light and if you supply the proper amount of light, they just continue to bloom.

When caring for the Vanda orchids, remember that they need at least around four hours of sun on a daily basis. Since there are two types of leaves, there are different considerations about the requirement of light. Those with leaves that are strap-shaped need diffused sun while those with the round or cylindrical ones can go with full sun. In fact, in warm climates you can use the Vanda for outdoor decorating.

Temperature wise, the Vanda orchids are awesome for warm climates. They grow best at 65 degree F or higher. They are also adaptable to extended hot weather, as well as days of cold, as long as they do not last too long. At night the temperature lower than mid 50's is not good.

When it comes to humidity, these flowers love it! Humidity of around seventy-five to eighty-percent is fine with the Vanda orchids but misting at least two times a day. As with most orchids when the weather cools down, you water less. Then as the weather warms up, you water more. With these orchids, watering in the late afternoon is not advisable, as they need to be dry during the night hours. During the summer, you water the Vanda's every few days and one or two times a week for plotted Vanda orchids. However, watering everyday is required for Vanda's grown in hanging baskets during warm weather.

Vanda orchids have roots that tend to be delicate and one should not disturb the roots unless necessary such as when re-potting is required because the roots are0 rotting or the baskets are rotting or when you need a larger vessel. The best time to re-pot if you must is late spring to the early summer months.

In nature and out in the wild the Vanda orchids grows on tree trunks and their roots are free and open to the air and environment around them and thus, getting moisture and nutrients freely. Vanda's may range in height from thirty-six inches to forty-eight inches and the flowers can grow three to five inches that last well over a month in time.

All of this is well worth it once you see how beautiful the flowers of the Vanda's are. Eventually it is "all" well worth it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcia_Johns

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June 3, 2009

Cattleya Orchid Plant - Why They Are Not Popular

Executive summary By Robert Roy

How popular is the cattleya orchid plants? Are they grown by hobbyists or not? How big is the flower? Cattleya orchids have been named since the early 19th century.
The earliest named cattleya was the Cattleya labiata. From the hobbyist perspective they are probably the most popular plant.

The cattleya orchid plants have one of the largest flowers, 5 inches across. Although the hobbyists are the ones particularly taken with cattleya plants now. They are becoming popular with non-hobbyist because of the size of the flower. For the cattleya orchid plants to become a main-stay of orchids several things are happening today. Cattleya orchids also will show the flower for more than 2-3 weeks and some of the hybrids have been shown to have flowers for up to 5 -6 weeks.
Some of the nurseries across the country will "board" your cattleya between blooming seasons.
Currently the orchid registry in England has not added many hybrids.

The Care of Cattleya Orchids

Cattleya Care: a bit more in-depth.

The bright light helps them to develop hard pseudopods. Humidity is the friend to cattleyas. The plant roots cannot sit in water for a long period of time or else they will get root rot. Cattleyas are orchids that can and should get dry between watering. To check to see if a plant needs water stick your finger about 1 inch into the potting material and see if it comes out dry or damp. If dry it needs watering. When watering allow the water to flow into the plant and then drain right out into the sink and not into the humidity tray. You can let the water water flow onto the plant for about 20-30 seconds and the pseudopods will get enough water for storage.

If plants are blossom in the winter or spring this means that these orchid plants deserve a rest period of about 6 to 8 weeks. If the plants blossom in the summer time no rest period is needed.

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June 1, 2009

Care of Dendrobium Orchids

By Robert Roy


This month I am focusing our attention to the care of Dendrobiums. These are one of the most popular of retail orchid plants. They are a true epiphyte or air plant. There pseudopods can gather and hold water very efficiently. Generally there will be a hybrid phalaenopsis and dendrobium, commonly known as Dtps.


This needs only to be done every two to three years and it should be with a porous, free draining media. This may be a combination of wood chips, small stone and and pieces of styrofoam peanuts. This will allow the draining of water and fertilizer. Dendrobiums seem to grow best when the pot is smaller than the size of the orchid plant.


The dendrobium orchids require about 50% sun or bright light. They will do well in an east or west window as well as a shaded south window.

They also do well under 4 - 40 watt fluorescent lights directly over the plant.


These plants need a difference in temperature between the night and day. Preferably this difference should be about 10 - 15 degrees. The night temps they like is 60-65 with days between 80 - 90.

Air circulation is needed and is especially when the temps are above 90 degrees.


Like most orchids Dendrobiums need to be kept moist while actively growing. When it is mature, as are most of orchids-plus-more.com plants they should dry between watering.

Dendrobiums thrive when the humidity is about 50 - 60%. Humidity trays are usually needed while the plant is in the home.


Use a balance fertilizer like Jack's Classic 20-20-20. Use weakly, weekly. That is, use a solution which is between 1/4 to 1/2 the recommended dosage.

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